Thursday, September 08, 2011


Stress Relief

Stress Relief After a Long Day or an Eternal Week 

Constant stress can wreak havoc on our bodies, our minds and our souls. Some medical problems are triggered by continual stress, and emotional trauma, instability and mild forms of depression are also likely to result. By taking a few moments to de-stress when you feel the levels and intensity rising, you can save yourself from undue anxiety and potential health problems. Below are 20 stress relief options to help you eliminate the physical and mental feelings caused by stress.
Take a Hot Bubble Bath - The soothing suds and warm water can wash your cares away while relaxing your tired, aching muscles. If you want to enhance the healing effects, turn on some soft music, dive into a good book, or just daydream the night away.
Pamper yourself with a Pedicure and a Facial - The softness and smoothness returned to your weary feet may be enough to relax you and help you reduce your stress level, but don�t stop there! Use a gentle cleanser and apply a mud-mask and sit back for 10-15 minutes while it works its wonders. If you�re feeling especially energetic, cut two cucumber slices to place over your eyes. Think happy thoughts and drift away from the things that trouble you.
Throw on your Comfiest Pajamas and Grab a Good Book! - Snuggling up under the covers in your cozy bed with soft, comfortable clothing can be enough to relax you almost immediately. Find your favorite magazine, pull out a book you have been meaning to read or just put on one of those cooling eye-masks to alleviate them from the cares of the day.
Take a 20-minute �Power-Nap� if you�ve got more things on your To-Do List - Right when you get home from work, shed your business attire and hop into your bed-set your alarm for 20 minutes if you have other things on the evening�s agenda, or allow yourself to awake naturally if you have a free schedule. Your energy should return to you in no time!
Exercise - Go for a jog, do some abdominal workouts, aerobics or lift some weights. Exercising renews the body and gives the mind an easy escape from daily troubles.
Fix yourself a Cocktail! - Don�t jump overboard with the bottle, but something as small and innocent as a strawberry daiquiri or a fuzzy navel could turn your mood around in a flash. If you aren�t old enough to drink yet, make a milkshake in the blender or find a great fresh fruit smoothie recipe online. Munch on some snacks or enjoy the view from your favorite window. Forget your cares and just revel in the moment while you slowly sip your favorite beverage.
Have some Delectable Desserts in the house and Indulge! - Cakes, cookies, pastries, brownies� they are all comfort foods to me. Treat yourself to something extravagant and delicious.
Light an Aromatherapy Candle and Play some Soft Music - Close your eyes and imagine whatever peaceful moments come to mind. Relax and think about your hopes and dreams for the not-so-distant future. (Be careful not to leave candles burning unattended).
Convince your Sweetheart to give you a Massage! - A simple back massage or foot massage has been known to greatly reduce stress and send the recipient into a super-relaxed state. Just don�t forget to return the favor when your sweetie is having a bad day!
Kick Back in Comfortable Clothes and Look through your Photo Albums - Memories of happy times can easily bring a smile to your face and take you back to days when the tides weren�t so turbulent� Plan a vacation or a get-together with friends for another photo-taking opportunity to add to your scrapbooks, and the simple act of having something to look forward to should significantly help you cope with your stress.
Start Keeping a Diary or a Journal, just for yourself! - Record your innermost thoughts and feelings, and vent out your angst of the day. It can be very effective to get your troubles off your chest and onto a sheet of paper, where they�ll stay for the rest of the night.
Immediate Results for Urgent Needs: Deep Breathing - Take deep breaths when you feel your stress levels begin to escalate. Start by counting to three inhaling and then to three while exhaling. Gradually increase it to five, six or seven as you try to calm yourself from the aggravating element.
Immediate Results for Urgent Needs: Stretching - Especially if you find yourself irritated at work, raise your arms above your head, arch your back and give it a good stretch. Get up from your desk and walk around-five minute breaks are definitely allowed when your sanity is at stake!
Immediate Results for Urgent Needs: Go Somewhere to Be Alone and Have a Good Cry or Confront the Source - I have been on the brink of tears while on the job, and sometimes the best solution to an overly stressful day is to lock yourself in a room (failing that, your car) and let loose. The relief and renewal experienced by letting out a couple of tears rejuvenates the body and the mind. Get mad, get upset, but get over it�cry in privacy or express yourself to the afflicting individual-chances are you will feel much better once you confront the agitating factor.
Do Something for YOU - Play an instrument, knit or crochet, work on a scrapbook or partake in another of your hobbies. Lose yourself in the moment and do not think about your stress until you must. Go to bed early with a light heart and dream of happy and carefree moments ahead.
Enjoy a cup of Herbal Tea and a few Cookies or a Good Book - Soothe yourself with a warm beverage and some sweets or get lost in some good reads. Reading can be a great escape from stress because it requires your mind to focus on something other than your own problems.
Order-Out! Indulge in some Comfort Foods or a cup of Hot Cocoa - Avoid making dinner or dessert for the night and call for a pizza, pick up some Chinese food or find a place that makes great seafood to go. Whatever your palate desires, treat yourself (and your family) to a night of take-out.
Try something like Yoga or Meditation to Relieve the Day�s Stressors - Beneficial results occur by relaxing the body through yoga exercises. Mental, physical and spiritual responses to yoga and meditations can very powerfully reduce stress�s effects on your mood and your body in general.
Break out of the Routine! - Do something unusual and avoid the stressors. Your laundry can wait another day or two, run the dishwasher tomorrow and just relax! Get together with a few friends and go on an adventure-leave the town you know and the buildings you inhabit day after day and take a hike, hit up the beach or go sailing on a beautiful body of water.
Spend Time with Loved Ones and Pets! - If they are the ones making you stressed out, you may think about some alone-time, but more times than not, there�s nothing quite like that unconditional love freely given by our furry friends who look to us for the same affection.
No matter what stressors affect you from day to day, it is important to try to combat them before they get out of hand. Job related stress could follow you home and may then have an effect not only on you and your body but on your family, too. Do what you can to reduce stress and ask those who are close to you for advice if you can�t find a reasonable alternative to the taxing feelings forced upon you by stress.
Remember: worrying does not get you anywhere - all it does is take up time. Get out there and do something about it!

1 comment:

  1. Remember...stress kills. Stay having a relaxed life in your own little way...Please follow some more tips on my site soon...
