Monday, September 12, 2011


Proper Diet to Lose Weight

Are you looking for a proper diet to lose weight? This article will give you some basic rules to incorporate into your lifestyle, that will not only help you lose weight, but keep it off for good...

I'm not a fan of diets, especially ones that seem to think that food is a superfluous ingredient. I'm the one standing hungrily in the "live to eat" section, while the "eat to live" people look on, bored. And while I'd hate to be called judgmental, I just don't get people who don't like food to the extent that they have to watch what they eat. Then again, I'm not the type to do things by halves, so it isn't unusual that I like everything about food - the colors, the shapes, the magical way ingredients come together to create a unified whole, the slicing, the kneading, the smells and sizzles and sounds - I love them all. So when you come knocking, looking for a proper diet to lose weight, don't expect to find diet pills and patches and master cleanse nonsense that has you drinking strange liquids (yuk) for days on end. Lose weight we shall, but in the right way, by following a proper diet. So here goes.

What is a Proper Diet?

I think it's best to get started by understanding what a proper diet to lose weight is. In most cases (at least in mine) meals are hurried, unstructured, and unhealthy eating habits, the norm. In fact, if I were to think of the last time I went through an entire day, eating the right things at the right time, I might have to rewind to the last decade, where under the stern eye of my fabulous mother, I ate what I was given, went to bed when I was told to, and woke up when I was called. I'm likely to be the rule rather than the exception when I think about how an average day rushes by, where cups of coffee replace meals, hunger is an unaffordable commodity and how my proximity to a balanced diet is literally limited to pictures of the food pyramid on juice and cereal boxes. Which brings me to the first part of a proper diet to lose weight. 

It's not rocket science, you know - every time you reach for a candy bar in place of a meal, or have a cup of coffee to kill the hunger pangs that occasionally crop up, you may be reducing the calories you consume (or not, in case of the candy bar). But if that means you eat nothing through the day and have take out Chinese - MSG death my friend - or a compensatory pizza for dinner, you're confusing your body by the starvation-binging pattern. Follow a balanced diet to lose weight the right way and keep it off. Apart from the effects of fast food, bad enough on their own, long gaps between meals make your body store fat instead of releasing it, for when the next starvation period strikes. Plan every meal to include each food group, cut out a picture of the food pyramid, blow it up, stick it on the fridge, and follow it. Balance your meals, include lean meat, whole grains, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and cut down on caffeine. alcohol and oily fatty foods.

Eat Smaller Meals More Often
Reducing portions, and eating more often will easily go hand in hand. Forgo the second helping, but eat healthy snacks at regular intervals to keep hunger pangs at bay. In fact, eating 6 balanced, but smaller meals a day may well be the most healthy diet to lose weight, since you're less likely to binge (or fall off the wagon).

Skipping Meals? Don't!

Don't skip meals, especially breakfast. Even if you're not a morning person, make it a habit to eat something, preferably something filling - you're literally breaking the night long fast, and your body needs the food. A healthy breakfast is an integral part of a proper diet to lose weight and gain muscle. If you're a morning person (how, why?) fortify yourself with a good nutritious start to the day, and if you must have that chocolate croissant, now's the time. Follow a simple rule - if you have a sweet tooth which you occasionally must indulge, it's okay. Apart from the key word, moderation, which you should combine with the reduced portion norm, if you must eat food high in calories, eat it early on in the day, preferably with your breakfast. The logic is twofold, first, you'll find yourself able to stomach less early on, and second you're more likely to burn it off, especially if you can follow a proper diet for the rest of the day. If you give in to a sinful dessert after dinner however, and then go straight to bed - well, that's just plain diet suicide, or perhaps diet homicide?

Understand the Logic
It's simple - what works for me, may not work for you. I think the worst thing most of us do is follow blindly, complicated meal plans and set diets - often forgetting to listen to reason and common sense. There's no one who knows your body better than you do. Understand, that the only way to consistently lose weight is to burn off more than you eat, and the best way to do that is to follow a proper diet in combination with adequate exercise. For some people, calorie counting is the way to go, so read every label, add up the grams, and then counter it with calorie burn - for the uninitiated, that means exercise. For others, learn to listen to your body, and moreover, learn to respect it - choose fresh food over processed, (always an important facet of the best diet to lose weight) and stop when you're just short of full. And exercise, there's just no way around it. It's also necessary for you to assess your activity levels, and eat accordingly. What works as a proper diet for athletes, for instance, where exercise levels are high and therefore food requirements proportionately so, is different from what works for someone with a sedentary lifestyle, so make the necessary adjustments.

Possibly the most important, is to remember that a proper diet to lose weight needs to be do-able, and constitute lifestyle changes that are possible to incorporate. You could follow a whole bunch of weight loss programs, and just go back to your original state once you start eating normally again - what's the point? In the words of Baz Luhrman, "Understand your body, use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it's the greatest instrument you will ever own."

See more about  the following:

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