Friday, September 23, 2011


What is Hormonal Imbalance – Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes & Effect

If a teenager acts up or sulks because he or she has not been allowed to go to a party, parents usually excuse this behaviour by saying, “Oh, it is those over-active teenage hormones working again.” When a woman gets into an argument with her boyfriend or husband, the man would usually throw in one particular accusation during the quarrel, “You are just being unreasonable and hormonal.” This has caused hormones to have a very bad reputation since a majority of people have the misconception that these chemicals within the human body are responsible for erratic behaviour and emotional instability. However, hormones actually do a lot of useful things for people. They stimulate growth, regulate metabolism, activate the immune system, and prepare the body for reproduction. But when the levels of hormones present in the body are not in their proper balance, then problems will occur. People will start to exhibit hormone imbalance symptoms which can cause issues that affect their general health and well-being.
Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms
In young people like teens, though it is normal for them to be moody and unpredictable because of the large amounts of hormones in their systems that serve to prepare their bodies for adulthood, these symptoms can be problematic if they continue for an extended period of time. Some of the typical symptoms of a hormonal imbalance in teens are depression, insomnia, irritability, and migraines. Women who suffer from hormone imbalance, meanwhile, display symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, dizziness, obesity, hair loss, mood swings, and wrinkles. Men, on the other hand, experience symptoms like abdominal weight gain, breast enlargement, erectile dysfunction, prostrate disease, heart disease, and decreased libido. The hormonal imbalance causes for these symptoms can range from a variety of sources. For teens, their constant exposure to different kinds of chemicals that can be found in the environment can cause their hormonal levels to be unbalanced. Some of these chemicals are present in beauty products, garden cleaners, pesticides, and plastics. Women’s hormone levels can be affected through consuming food products that contain large amounts of oestrogen such as meat or milk from animals that have been given hormones. Some vegetables and fruits are also capable of increasing oestrogen levels in a female’s body. The hormone levels in men can also be influenced by the foods they consume. The production of testosterone can be affected by a diet that has a low content of fibre yet large amounts of fat.
Progesterone Deficiency Symptoms
It is therefore important for teenagers, women, and men to be mindful of the effects the environment and other factors such as stress can have on their hormone levels and their health. One of the most common hormonal imbalance disorders is a deficiency in the progesterone hormone levels in the body. Progesterone is one of the most important hormones in females since it is responsible for initiating changes in the endometrium during the second part of a woman’s menstrual cycle. It prepares the uterus for the successful implantation and development of a fertilized egg, and it maintains the proper functioning of the uterus throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The hormone is responsible for ensuring that the placenta functions correctly and fighting off any cells that could potentially harm the foetus. It also strengthens the mucus that covers the cervix to prevent the occurrence of infections, among other functions. The progesterone deficiency symptoms include breast tenderness, ovarian cysts, water retention, irregular periods, and early miscarriage or abortion of the foetus. For more information regarding hormonal imbalances such as its causes, symptoms, and available treatments, the other articles on this website would provide you with several facts and tips. Plus, there is a link that is very helpful for individuals who need guidance before getting disability insurance in order for them to choose one that is most suitable for their needs. Browse every category here and we guarantee that the time spent here is certainly worth it.

Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms

Hormones are the chemical messengers that are produced and released by cells in order to affect other cells in various parts of the body. These hormones transport signals which result in a cell producing a specific response. For example, in the presence of danger or some other emergency situation, the human body releases adrenaline which prepares it for action.
Adrenaline Symptoms
It increases the supply of both oxygen and glucose to the brain and the muscles. It also increases the heart rate, dilates the pupils, and elevates the levels of blood sugar in the body. All of these combine to enhance the fight or flight response in humans. There are other hormones which perform different functions. In women, oestrogen and progesterone are two of the most important hormones which can affect their health and general well-being. When there is an imbalance of these two chemicals, the results can negatively impact females.

Its Cause

Several factors can cause a hormonal imbalance. Some of these factors are stress, exercise, diet, birth control pills, environmental pollution, and even chemicals that you use for your household cleaning chores. Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia can lower the levels of oestrogen and progesterone while increasing the stress hormones in the body.
Hormonal Cause
The different primary glands like the hypothalamus, thyroid, and pituitary can also become affected by abnormalities which in turn can cause changes in the levels of hormones being produced. Ovulation disorders can cause hormonal imbalances as well. These disorders occur when a high level of androgens or male sex hormones can be found in the body.

Diagnosing Hormonal Imbalance

If you are thinking that you may possibly have a hormonal imbalance, it is important to get an official diagnosis so that you can receive the proper kind of treatment for it. There are many trained specialists who can help you out. Some of these specialists are gynaecologists, obstetricians, and reproductive endocrinologists who know all about the diagnosis and treatment of hormonal imbalances and its effects. There are several treatment options which exist.
Endocrinologists on Operation
These depend on the overall health of the individual, and the kind of hormonal imbalance. Females of varying ages can experience these imbalances with the symptoms manifesting in their late twenties and continuing throughout their forties. A lot of women also get to experience some symptoms of hormonal changes prior to their monthly menstruation period.

Where to Get Help

You can ask the help of a specialist to treat your hormonal imbalance. Most of these specialists will likely recommend that you follow a diet that is low in fat and high in fibre. You might want to consider making some lifestyle changes, too, such as employing techniques for reducing stress like practising yoga or working out to become more fit by exercising regularly. You can also try alternative medicines which pose a low or non-existent level of risk.
Electric Acupuncture
Acupuncture is one form of alternative treatment. You could consider taking herbal remedies as well, specifically non-estrogenic herbs. Including these herbs in your diet will help in nourishing your hormonal glands so that they can become more efficient in producing your body’s own natural hormones. This will then not only balance your oestrogen levels, but your progesterone and testosterone, too. Finally, if these other types of treatments do not work, then you could turn to drugs or surgery to help you with your hormonal imbalance. However, drugs and surgery involve both high risks and high costs, so you should only consider these if all other treatments have not proven to be effective.

Restoring Hormonal Imbalance

Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT is the most common type of drug therapy used to treat hormonal imbalance. It is both the strongest and the quickest way to combat the disorder, however, it has some serious side effects. It can also increase the risk of developing different types of cancer in women. Alternative forms of therapy are also available such as herbal remedies. You can take Black Cohosh or Dong Quai.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
These plants contain oestrogenic components that are good for treating low levels of hormones since they can replace some of the missing oestrogen. However, using these herbs can result in your body becoming less responsive in producing its own natural oestrogen. Macafem, on the other hand, can stimulate hormone production by encouraging the optimum functioning of your endocrine and pituitary glands.

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