Friday, December 23, 2011

Natural Acne Scar Treatment Works! Advice About the Most Innovative Products.

100% natural, bio-ingredient formulation mean advanced acne scar treatment is here at last. Now you can erase and diminish acne scars safely with 100% natural bio-ingredients. 

Knowing and feeling that you look good your boosts your confidence and poise. So what should you do if acne scars on your face or back lead you to have you feeling embarrased or ill-at-ease?

The common medical treatments for acne scarring are chemical peels dermabrasion and a surgical scar removal methodology that involves punch incisions that remove and replace acne scars with new less conspicuous surgical scarring.

So how can you get rid of scars, and acne scars in particular? Your choices are frightening, to say the least!!! 

Chemical Peels are commonly used to manage post inflammatory redness. The method involves soaking your skin with powerful artificial chemical that causes peeling. Once the layer of chemically saturated skin is removed new clear skin cells are exposed.

Dermabrasion relies on a machine - it looks a just like a mini belt sander - to remove damaged skin by physically abrading - sanding it away - to eliminate scars and give your skin a healthy and fresh appearance. Dermabrasion doesn't promote collagen or and elastin production, both of which are needed for clear skin regeneration, and it has no effect on sub-dermal acne scars. Dermabrasion leaves your skin raw and tender; and, the average recovery time is 4 to 6 weeks.

Finally, punch excision scar removal utilizes a little cookie-cutter like tool to cut out the original acne scars. After making the punch cut a plastic surgeon closes the wound and/or repairs the hole left at the scar site with a skin graft. After healing, the surgical scar is normally less conspicuous than the primary acne scar. If you'd like to eliminate this mark too, you'll need laser resurfacing procedures

Over the counter acne scar treatment options are extremely limited and most of these products most just do not live up to their extravagant guarantees. The leading, and most highly priced, products moisten skin and improve skin using vitamin E oil and other oil extracts. Studies, however, show that these treatment products are no better than ordinary Vaseline and that other oils like coconut oil or olive oil work similarly. Information on antibiotic ointments found that they didn't promote healing or reduce infection either.

Thanks to advanced skin care research and a biological discovery, new skin care solutions, like BIOCUTIS line of products, are leading the way when it comes to treating acne scars. 

These products include biological enzymes that dissolve maltreated skin cells and release amino acids that revitalize damaged skin.

In addition, when these advanced products are used to control acne flare-ups they can regulate the production of sebum in your body and promote fibroblast synthesis. Excess sebum is the main cause of acne break-outs. Fibroblast proliferation and increased collagen synthesis are key events during normal, healthy, wound repair. Encouraging this action is the only real way to treat acne scarring.

These advanced dermatological products also spur the generation of natural antimicrobial peptides. Harmful microbes and bacteria survive on the skin and infect healthy skin cells, giving acne scars their reddish hue and ice pick like appearance. By killing these microbes and becteria before they infect cells, acne scars are totally prevented.

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